The Transition To Daycare: A Calm + Sleepy Webinar
Webinar covering what to expect, naptime/rest time, routines, calming strategies, and overall success with the big change of daycare or preschool. This will guide you through preparing for beginning a program or strategizing for current struggles your child ages 0-7 might be facing. Instant download of videos, slides, and resources will sent right to you to download.
Webinar covering what to expect, naptime/rest time, routines, calming strategies, and overall success with the big change of daycare or preschool. This will guide you through preparing for beginning a program or strategizing for current struggles your child ages 0-7 might be facing. Instant download of videos, slides, and resources will sent right to you to download.
Webinar covering what to expect, naptime/rest time, routines, calming strategies, and overall success with the big change of daycare or preschool. This will guide you through preparing for beginning a program or strategizing for current struggles your child ages 0-7 might be facing. Instant download of videos, slides, and resources will sent right to you to download.
Topics Include:
The Transition to Daycare
Consistency, Repetition, Routine
Practice Independence and Confidence
Infant Sleep at Daycare
Toddler Sleep/Rest at Daycare
Transitions in Each Part of the Day (drop off, meals, rest, outside, pick up)
Calming Strategies for Big and Small Emotions
Communicating With Staff (and your site visit)
Schedules That Work For Your Family
Resources and Tools
1-1 Further Consult