Moving Meditation: The Coffee Cup

As a sleep consultant, I meet my share of tired parents. One thing I have found they all have in common is that they are often so focused on their child's sleep needs, they forget that their role as guide is just as important to the puzzle. It's vital to the equation! As your child's teacher, you can portray calm and ease so that they see, 

"Oh this isn't so scary. I am safe. I am loved. I am calm."

All that communication is shown through body language and tone. But how do you magically adapt a calm body? Practice.

Little moments of intentional pause. Tiny. Practical. Maybe even enjoyable. 

I created moving meditations to pair up with parenting struggles like early morning wake ups, short naps, changing environments and schedules, and the dreaded regressions. With my consulting support, moms and dads can now pull out a trick when they feel the natural feelings arise around sleep not going the way their family hoped it would. Kid's sleep is not always predictable and it's always changing. So join them on the ride and with the goal to support yourself, you can then support them. 

And I'm here if you need further tools and plans to achieve better sleep for all. 

First, let's focus on you. How to you begin your day or reset yourself when you want to parent from a more calm and peaceful place? What strategies do you use to jump the mental hurdle of hearing them cry as they work through independent sleep practices? Are you in survival mode and your needs are second, third or fourth on the list?

Join me in a meditation to invite some relief. Create some calm in the 3-5 minutes it takes for your coffee to brew. Notice your surroundings and senses connecting you to just one moment. Your whole day is probably full of a thousand moments overlapping. So for just a few minutes, slow them down and focus. Just the smells. Only one sound. The cool cup in your hands. Focus. 

Then fuel up, take on your day + rock it!

Did you know it can take a baby an average of 3-5 minutes to fall asleep? Use this mindful tool to notice your surroundings and ground yourself while you wait for your baby to fall asleep independently.

Moving Meditation- The Coffee Cup

Prepare for this 5 minute meditation by setting up for making coffee or tea of your choice. Recommended to boil your water and pour over beans or bag. Or just visualize the steps and enjoy the mindful moment in your way.

I hope you can find some calm today, and if sleep struggles are causing you stress, you aren’t alone. You don’t have to take it all on at once though. Sleep changes can be eased into, plans can respect your needs and parenting styles, and support for the process can making it all attainable. If you are looking for sleep consulting for your family, please reach out. You can book a free call, purchase guides, or hire me for support.


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